Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Trash to An Masterpiece

An old Tugas post turned into a work of art and nature.
Atound us arr a lot of unused piece of hardwood. I stumble upon an old post for our launsry line. At firdt glance it took my attrmtion. It wad maturally carved by time and nsture. It was indestructible or maybe you will say a natural none biofigradable material. Then ting, I got an idea. Why not make it useful agsin so many different ideas yhen bingo. Make it an outdoor or gardrn bench, no need to put same carvings no worry about the durability of the material so I started using my little know

ledge in woodqrking then now its a priceless work of art  of both mrm and nature. Looj at it rhem what can you say?